Finally, a full night’s rest. After the long and crazy days of travel, it was amazing to finally sleep in an actual bed. Everyone met at the nearby SDA church in the morning for a wonderful breakfast prepared by Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Nelson. After the last coconut was cracked open and eaten, we headed over to the Cultural Center where we would be spending the next few days running Health Expos. Set up for the Expo didn’t take too long, and we had some spare time before it started. A few of us played monkey in the middle with a hacky sack in the huge room that we had been given for the event.
The time came to start the Expo, and we all sat down with anticipation at our stations. People began trickling into the hall and we began teaching them. I find it amazing that we have so much knowledge that we take for granted. People were amazed to find that you should breathe with your diaphragm, and that you can get protein from food other than meat.
The next two days of the Health Expo went similarly. On the last day, the Queen of Palau came through the Expo. I have to say it was slightly intimidating to tell the Queen about health, but she was extremely nice to talk to. After we closed up, we went snorkeling in the water down at a beach. It was an incredible experience to see how many beautiful creatures God created for us to enjoy. I praise God for all of the amazing things that He is teaching us and doing through us in Palau.
-Freja, Junior