- Unashamed of the gospel
(AA p.499, MYP p.28) - Set apart time for daily devotions
(FLB p.125, ED p.185) - Study their Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy
(DG p.78, Joel 2:28) - Commit Scripture to memory
(Ps 119:11, CE p.58, 59) - Mission-driven
(Mat 28:19-20, 6T p.201) - Proclaim the 3 Angels’ messages
(Rev 14, SD p.207) - Enjoy the blessing of the Sabbath
(CG p.532, Is 58:13) - Defend the literal 6-day creation week
(ED p.128-129, Gen 1) - Active in the SDA church
(CG p.482, AA p. 9) - Utilize sacred music for evangelism
(Ps 9:11, Ps 18:49)
Who we are
Weimar Academy is a self-supporting Seventh-day Adventist boarding high school and is a part of Weimar University in Placer County, California.
Mission Statement:
To fully equip dedicated Seventh-day Adventist young people, who love Christ, to be His end-time disciples, winning the world for Him.
Lindsey Kim
Weimar Academy Class of 2022
Why did Jesus come? Many say that He came to die for us. That is, indeed, true; however, Jesus Christ came not only to die for us but to live for us. Throughout His entire life, He lived out His teachings in both action and in thought. Nor did He ever sin in action or in thought. By manifesting His principles of unconditional love, humility, and service with His 100% man and 100% divine form, Christ set an example—a model for all of us to follow.
Now, the real question arises: “Why are we here?” Mass destruction, natural disasters, imminent nuclear wars, shootings, and utter chaos are all around us; and this question still remains: “Why are we here? What is our purpose?” God Himself has purposefully placed every single human being here in this spiritually dark world to bring hope. Jesus has already done and is doing His part in the plan of our salvation and the spreading of the gospel (Matt. 28:16-20; Acts 1:8-9). Influenced by the example Christ has set before us in His lifetime, we are better able to carry out the mission He has entrusted us with. Jesus’ entire life is a testimony of how our own personal and individual Christian walk should be. We need not look any further for a standard in which to live our life by:
Jesus Christ: He is our BLUEPRINT.
Jesus Christ: He is our EXAMPLE.
Jesus Christ: He is our MODEL.
Jesus and His Will are first in their hearts
Equipped for their Lifework
Understand & Practice a healthy, balanced life
Speak and Interact well with others
Jesus and His Will are first in their hearts
Equipped for their Lifework
- Domestically proficient
(AH p.89, FE p.416) - Great work ethic
(FE p.419, Pr 14:23) - Life-long learners
(CE p.52, Pr 1:5, 7) - Have a clear direction of where God is calling them
(MYP p.444, ED p.267) - Academically equipped to function in society
(ED p.262, YI 2/7/1901)
- Able to adapt
(TDG p.203, Dan 1) - Persevering
(CG p.161, Mat 24:13) - Teachable
(CTR p.74, Prov 1:5,7) - Make positive decisions
(LHU p.127, Ps 1:1) - Organized
(1T p.649-650) - Problem solvers
(CHS p.224, ED p.17) - Manage money well
(ED p.238-239, 8MR p.154) - Punctual
(ED p.277) - Trustworthy
(CM p.72, Mat 25:21) - Proactive
(CT p.537) - Independent thinkers
(ED p.17, Tm p.302-303) - Resourceful
(CG p.50)
Understand & Practice a healthy, balanced life
- Emotionally healthy
(1 MCP p.51) - Take time for active recreation
(CE p.183) - Practice NEWSTART principles
(11MR p.174, CT p.294) - Proficient in natural remedies
(CT p.519-20) - Able to prepare healthy meals
(Gen 1:29, CG p.392) - Dress appropriately
(CT p.294, ED p.248) - Physically fit
(CG p.342, AH p.123)
Speak and Interact well with others
- Attractive to those seeking God
(COL p.340, Mat 5:14-16) - Have the fruits of the Spirit
(Gal 5:22-23) - Well-mannered
(CE p.200, AH p.51) - Emotionally intelligent
(1 MCP p.51, Prov 16:32) - Trained to be a Godly spouse and/or parent
(AH p.15) - Respect all living things
(CG p.144, Deut 22:6) - Possess conflict management skills
(CE p.149, Mat 18) - Communicate effectively
(COL p.336, 1 Cor 15:33) - Proficient in basic English skills
(CT p.219, CPTS p.216) - Multilingual
(CT p.508, 9T p.62) - Good listeners
(Mat 11:15, Prov 18:13)