Arizona Day 4

We worked super hard today!! We woke up again at 6 am and got ready and went to the cafeteria for breakfast. Today they served oatmeal, bagels, and Morning Star patties with fruit. It was pretty good. Then the staff told us what we were doing today. Group B and D went to a house that is called “house 60” and put insulation all around the it. We also put up and stapled a thick tarp over the insulation for more insulation. Then we screwed in plywood over the insulation. After the whole house was done, the rest of the time we tore down the siding of the garage. That was REALLY fun. You would swing the hammer with all your might, but that wouldn’t even make a dent in the wall. With persistence, we were able to tear down that wall. Group C finished painting the garage that group A and D prepped yesterday. Group A finished working on the “dog house” and put up drywall and then they dug and put cinder blocks in a hole. That took the whole day. Lunch was really good. It was Asian food. There was rice, curry, punsit, and spring rolls. Yum!! We also played a lot with the kids. It’s fun! Supper was good. We had sloppy joe’s and fries. Around 8pm, we met as a group and talked about what is going to be happening tomorrow since it is our fun day!! YAY!!! I can’t wait to see what God brings us tomorrow!!!

-Mackenzie Jezierski – Junior

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