Grading Policy
Grading Scale
Percentage | Grade | Percentage | Grade |
93-100% | A | 90-92% | A- |
88-89% | B+ | 83-87% | B |
80-82% | B- | 78-79% | C+ |
73-77% | C | 70-72% | C- |
68-69% | D+ | 63-67% | D |
60-62% | D- | 0-59% | F |
Unacceptable Work Policy
If a teacher deems an assignment that a student has turned in to be unacceptable, then the teacher has the right to refuse the assignment. Once an assignment has been refused, it will be returned to the student so that they have the opportunity to fix and resubmit the assignment. Typically, an assignment will be refused if it appears that the student did not put forth an acceptable amount of effort in completing it. The student will receive the grade of zero for that assignment, until it is resubmitted and then evaluated by the teacher. Assignments that are refused and then resubmitted will not be considered as being submitted on time, and will receive a late penalty as well.
Late Work Policy
Where late work is accepted, assignments that are turned in after the due date will receive a 25% deduction in their grade. Assignments turned in two weeks after the due date may not be accepted by the teacher and may result in a final grade of zero for that assignment.
Resubmission of Assignments
In classes where resubmissions of assignments are allowed, students may resubmit assignments and receive 50% of the difference between their original score and their improved score. For example, if a student received a 60% on an assignment, and then decides to redo and resubmit the assignment and earns an 80% on their resubmission, then their recorded score would be 70%.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to turn in original work that they created themselves. Any form of plagiarism or cheating on an assignment or exam will not be tolerated. If this behavior were to occur, the student must redo the assignment, completing it themselves and submitting it for zero credit. Failure or refusal to do so could result in their dismissal from the academy. Weimar Academy will not condone dishonesty and reserves the right to discipline this type of behavior however it deems proper, including up to expulsion from the academy.